So hard not to get caught up in the comparing game. It seems everyone is light years ahead of me in painting know-how and skills. I know what I want and I'm so not there yet. I do believe in practice (I do, I do), but sometimes it feels futile, like I'm just spinning my wheels never to arrive.
These are drawings that want to be paintings or (in the bottom one) a drawing of someone else's painting. What am I doing?????What are you doing?
"Comparison is the thief of joy." We all do it to some degree. Unlearning this is really difficult, but important work. Your art is for you. If others enjoy it as well, then cool, but your art is unique just as everyone's is. There is space for all of us and our unique talents. Plus, if everyone's art fit one standard, we wouldn't have the greats. I heard it said that Picasso had the same colors available to him that everyone else does. Instead of trying to be Picasso, choose your own color patterns. Had he not done what he had done, we wouldn't have that beauty. If you hadn't done what you had done, we would not have your beauty. Everyone's work is important.